We work with a strength-based approach, while balancing the need for awareness of what is getting in the way of making progress. Our philosophy is that caring and learning life skills, including self-discipline, are both needed, and that people can learn new ways of thinking and acting, that help them to thrive. People have strength of motivation and effort, and sometimes need help to learn to use them well. People can learn to be more aware, to recognize the impact they have on others, to build relationships, set goals and realize dreams. Learning how to interact appropriately with others, or to join in, and learning new behaviors, can be hard work and can also be fun. We are dedicated to strengthening community connections and encouraging natural supports to help them become as independent as possible while they still have needed supports. People can often overcome barriers in life, and people with disabilities deserve inclusion with dignity, respect and meaning. Our philosophy is that when we treat one another well, and support inclusion, we are all made better. We all need a chance at life.